Thursday, November 20, 2008

His Permanent Address Book

Yesterday I was updating my address book for Christmas mailouts. I always write in it in pencil. As I was going through the names, I got disturbed by how many names I was erasing from it due to deaths. I suddenly felt sad and melancholy. Then, eventually just started crying due to how many I had to erase, missing each one and feeling somewhat lonely without them. I could still see a vague shadow of their names where I had just erased. (certain erasers don't erase all that well) Instantly, I felt the Lord comforting me by His still small voice. Just as I have not forgotten my deceased loved ones, neither will He forget me. Although, they are not with me in the flesh, they are with me in spirit. Just as Jesus is not with me in the flesh, He is with me in Spirit. He reminded me that He too has an address book....The Lamb's Book of Life. And, once He inscribes a name into His address book, it can NEVER be erased. Everyone in His book has the same address as He does. As I erased the last name, I saw a vision of Jesus dipping His finger into His own blood and scribing that same name in His book. O Death where is thy sting? None. Just a relocation and a name in a permanent address book. I pray you are in His permanent address book.

1 comment:

Ruth Ann said...

awww that's so true. Isn't it so great how God comforts us in times of heartache and sorrow?